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Josh Todd & The Conflict Debut Album 'YEAR OF THE TIGER' Out NOW!

Josh Todd & The Conflict (LTR): Sean Winchester (drums), Josh Todd (vocals), Steve Dacanay (guitar), Gregg Cash (bass)

Los Angeles-based Rock outfit JOSH TODD & THE CONFLICT have released their debut record Year of the Tiger on Century Media Records. Featuring the tracks "Rain", "Fucked Up" and "Year of the Tiger", the band's debut effort delivers the full spectrum of songs that evoke everything from loud and chaotic rebellion, to focused and introspective reflection, with the end result being an album that bears the many truths of the band themselves. Year of the Tiger was co-produced by guitarist Stevie Dacanay (Buckcherry) and Stone Temple Pilots drummer Eric Kretz.

"It was time for me to make a record. It has been two years since I put out new music and that’s a long time for me. I am a student of the game and this was an opportunity to not just make a traditional sounding rock record like I have been doing in the past. The Conflict stuff is heavy, melodic and honest, with a lot of risk taking and these are the records that bring out the best in me."

"Stevie D (Buckcherry) and I wrote all the songs and it was a long time coming. He also co-produced the record with Erik Kretz (from STP) and we had a lot of fun doing it. After working with Stevie beating a lot of songs into shape we started understanding our songwriting language. Stevie is a well-rounded musician and we are in the ZONE on this one. Both of us are in the same boat in every aspect of our lives and have been friends since I was 19. This record is a divine intervention with a lot more to come."

"The record is called Year of the Tiger and we are coming to every nook and cranny of the world to pulverize and mesmerize, put it on turn it up and go kick some ass! These guys are great people and amazing players and it comes off live in a BIG way. You don’t want to miss it.”

- Josh Todd

Year of the Tiger Purchase Links

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"Fucked Up" Official Video

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