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GnR Tribute LOSE YOUR ILLUSION at the Brooklyn Bowl LV

It’s always a good thing when Brooklyn Bowl hosts a FREE concert of any kind, as this is a world class facility, and on a Friday night in Vegas when there are literally hundreds of options for entertainment it was great to see so many show up and take advantage. On this night it was an amazing Guns n’ Roses tribute band out of Los Angeles called LOSE YOUR ILLUSION. After seeing the best tributes anywhere come through Vegas I was really interested to see how this band would stack up to the others, and without a doubt this band is right up there and does a great job at recreating a GnR concert.

It is apparent the band has done its homework, and have the GnR sound and individual movements down pat. Vocalist Shawn Perry does justice as Axl Rose, and Shawn’s vocals are so good if you close your eyes it would be hard to tell the difference between the real Axl and Shawn. Shawn also has Axl’s mannerisms down solid, and is the best impersonator I have seen so far. On guitar playing Slash is Mano, and once again Mano has the moves and sound of Slash down, and really looks like Slash when he is onstage. On bass (from Adler’s Appetite) is Aaron Samson, who provides the thunderous steady beat required of a GnR show. Jeff McCune takes on drum duties as Steven Adler, and as always the drummer is the engine that drives the machine, and Jeff is that engine in this band. And last but not least on rhythm guitar it’s Ron Foster playing the part of Izzy Stradlin', and again a really good job of covering a very important part of this band.

The band covered every era of GnR, and even played the epic songs such as "Estranged" and "Civil War" Lose Your Illusion had the crowd dancing and singing to "Live and Let Die", "Welcome To the Jungle" along with "Rocket Queen". What amazed me was the fact that this band played 3 hours non-stop, and after seeing Lose Your Illusion I can definitely recommend them very highly, whether your a GnR fan or not. It’s good old rock n roll the way most of us grew up listening to.

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