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This show was announced as taking 5 years to happen, and for the band Face Down to reform and play once again on a Vegas Stage, and the reunion taking place at the Fremont Country Club. This was my first time seeing this local band, and I was really impressed at how good they are. They played under black lights all painted up in green glow in the dark paint which made for a eerie stage setting. Face Down is Brian Krell - Bass/Vocals, Ric Eubank - Guitar, Scott Krell - Guitar, Doug Walker - Drums and Jamie Alongi - Keyboards. Hopefully it won’t take 5 years to see this talented band play once again...

Face Down Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

Prior to Face Down, opening the show was the band MASTIV, another good metalcore band playing Vegas. Mastiv are Steve Thiriot - vox / keys, James Hoover - drums, Nikki Rangel - bass, Madzilla - lead guitar and Dand Haws - rhythm guitar.

Mastiv Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

Next up it was a band out of Phoenix that stole the show. AUTUMN’S END is a powerhouse of a metal band who should be a headliner out on the rock n roll circuit. This band is one of the best bands we have seen in a long time and are as solid as they come. Autumn’s End is Tanner Crace - guitar / vox, Rudy T. Reilly - bass / vox, Jason Kowalski - drums and Chris Cannella - lead vox / guitar.

Autumn's End Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

One of the best long time running bands in Vegas, FOR THE FIGHT once again put on a blistering show next on the lineup. Their shows are intense and feature some of the best musicians currently playing Vegas. For The Fight consists of Etch on vocals, Ed on guitars, Gary on guitar, Dex on drums and Nate on bass. It's always a fun night when For The Fight are playing.

For the Fight Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

Local hometown favs N.E.LAST WORDS took the stage next (who by the way are having a CD Release party on March 17th at the Dive Bar) and are one of the more polished/professional bands playing in this region today. With their blend of nu-metal / rap they have a sound that has made them one of the most sought after bands for Vegas concerts or events. N.E. Last Words consists of Brian Jones - vox, Tyler Jensen - vox, Phat Jack - guitar, Johnny D. - guitar, JJ on bass and Randy Trent on drums.

N.E. Last Words Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

Following N.E. Last Words was DEATH BY DIESEL out of Kansas City, Mo. This is another in your face metal band that has a killer sound, and consists of Greg Divine - Vox, Gil Cole - Guitar, Doug Walker - drums, Marty Rubin - Bass - another very good band that fit on the evenings bill perfectly.

Death By Diesel Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

This was another great night out in downtown Vegas showcasing mostly local talent, and proving you don’t need big name headliners to put together a great show.

© 2017 ScaryMonstersMusic. All photos and written content copyright @ScaryMonstersMusic. Created with

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