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'Rockin' into the Night' with 38 SPECIAL at the RACE JAM 2018 at FREMONT STREET EXPERIEN

This show ranked right up there as one of the coldest shows I have covered in my 7 years of working concerts down on Fremont Street, the March winds were blowing all night as fans were bundled up in coats and sweatshirts and some even had blankets on, but the band 38 SPECIAL was white hot as they performed a FREE concert at Fremont Street Experience as part of Nascar Week and Race Jam. As always the street was packed with upwards of 10,000 fans cramming themselves in front of the 3rd street stage for another in an amazing series of free shows that Fremont Street Experience puts on each year.

38 Special was formed way back in 1974, and this band has not forgotten it’s southern roots, all the while maintaining it’s arena style sound. Throughout the years the band, as most from that era, has experienced multiple lineup changes, but continues playing non stop year after year. 38 Special has had a tons of hits over the decades with "Hold On Loosely" and "Caught Up In You" both hitting #1 on the Billboard charts.

Opening the show the band kicked things off with “Rockin Into the Night” followed by "Rough Housin' ", and soon it was another hit “Wild Eyed Southern Boys”. In the middle of the set the band covered the Chicago song "Feelin Stronger Everyday" , and continued to go on with 15 songs before exiting the stage. 38 Special returned with an encore that started off with the dramatic "Chain Lighting", which featured the stage being filled with tons of smoke and white flashing strobes, a song and presentation was the highlight of the show to me. They followed that up with the monster #1 hit "Hold On Loosely", and as the last song the band had some fun with the Creedence Clearwater classic "Travelin Band", and had the crowd dancing and singing as the show came to an end.

Once again another memorable night in the greatest entertainment capital of the world. We can’t wait until Fremont Street announces their summer lineup of FREE concerts and Scary Monsters Music will be there covering each and every one of them! A big thanks to Leslie and the rest of the Fremont Street staff for a great job and great Vegas entertainment.


Rockin' Into the Night


Back Where You Belong

Wild-Eyed Southern Boys

Take Me Back To Paradise/Sound Of Your Voice/Somebody Like You/Honky Tonk Night Time Dancer/Teacher Teacher/You Keep Running Away/

Second Chance

Like No Other Night

Feelin' Stronger Every Day (Chicago cover)

Ride the Storm (Don Barnes song)

If I'd Been the One

Fantasy Girl

Good Time Tonight

Trooper With an Attitude

Drum Solo

Caught Up in You


Chain Lightning

Hold On Loosely

Travelin' Band (Creedence Clearwater Revival cover)

38 Special Photos: Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

© 2017 ScaryMonstersMusic. All photos and written content copyright @ScaryMonstersMusic. Created with

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