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Black Veil Brides and Asking Alexandria's 'Resurrection' in Las Vegas

The Resurrection Tour featuring BLACK VEIL BRIDES and ASKING ALEXANDRIA made a stop at the House of Blues inside the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino March 2, and as evidenced by the average age of the large crowd, this was the one that the all age fans have been waiting for as two of the wildly popular bands amongst today’s youth came together for a night of fun. An energetic Crown the Empire opened the show to an already full house, that only became more packed as the band warmed up the fans for the long night.

BLACK VEIL BRIDES may be based out of Hollywood California today but they always get a shameless plug from me for hailing from very near my hometown in Cincinnati, Ohio. For those who need a history lesson, a Black Veil Bride is a Roman Catholic term used for when a woman marries into the church and gives up all the pleasures of life to devote her life to God. The Black Veil Brides, I am sure, may have given up quite a bit to pursue what is most important to them as well, and judging from the crowd reaction to the new single “The Outsider” from the recently released Vale album, I think these guys made the right choice.

BLACK VEIL BRIDES have seemed to morph from the days of the We Stitched These Wounds release in 2006, when they were labeled mostly metalcore, to the releases of Set the World on Fire and Vale that have seemed to move them more to glam rock side of things. The stage attire and presence almost scream KISS and Motley Crue (although much of the audience may be too young to remember these beginnings), although BVB has toned down the facepaint and torn leather in the last couple years and the music becomes more of the focus live. Listening to the lyrics, it is easy to understand how the sometime labeled strange, odd or unique youth are so drawn to this band, as Black Veil Brides are all about standing up for yourself and embracing exactly who you are.

Speaking of bands who have seemed to morph a little away from their roots, ASKING ALEXANDRIA has recently done just that with their new self titled release, a band was once the flag bearer for the metalcore crowd with their scream-o lyrics. From the opening song “Into the Fire”, the first hit off the new release, to songs like “Vultures” and “Alone in a Room” it is easy to see that this band has found more of a liking in the hard rock/ heavy metal influenced scene. Vocalist Danny Worsnop left for a brief period to explore country music of all things, and seems to have come back refreshed and rejuvenated. The new album marks a bit of a left turn for the band, and the crowd seems to enjoy it, but for the dire-hard fans Danny and the boys saved the wildly popular “The Death of Me” for last, so that all of the ASKING ALEXANDRIA fans could go home happy.

As I have gotten older, I have vowed to try to never be my parents by saying “you young kids just don’t know what good music is”. If these young kids keep gravitating to bands like BLACK VEIL BRIDES and ASKING ALEXANDRIA, I just may never have to.

Black Veil Brides: Photos Jo Anna Jackson / Stardogphotos

Asking Alexandra: Photos Jo Anna Jackson / Stardogphotos

Crown the Empire: Photos Jo Anna Jackson / Stardogphotos

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