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Judas Priest 'Firepower' Delivers the Goods...

Showing my age, but I guess when reviewing a Judas Priest release you would not expect someone to be too young, but Judas Priest was my band in High School. Everyone had their band, the Van Halen dude, Zeppelin throwback kid, Angus shorts wearing AC/DC kid, and I was the British Steel loving Judas Priest kid. What a run Priest had during my High School years with British Steel, Point of Entry, Screaming for Vengeance and Defenders of the Faith. Some would say Point of Entry would be the weak link in that foursome, but with tracks like "Desert Plains" and "Solar Angels" I would disagree.....

See complete review at Volume 11 Music website HERE.

Judas Priest will be in Las Vegas at Las Rageous Festival on April 21 at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

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