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This was an interesting show with some bands I had not seen before, and I was looking forward to it. It was a bit cold for an outdoor show, with the temps in the mid to low 40’s, but the bands all kept the energy level high and the crowd braved the gold for a great downtown show. Kicking the evening’s festivities off was a local band I had not seen before, CROMM FALLON & THE P200, and I but absolutely loved. These guys musically were the best band of the night with their Mod Revival / garage band sound. Lead singer Cromm Fallon does an excellent job on vocals and Trueland Morrison’s guitar playing was a perfect fit to Cromm’s vocal performance. I am looking forward to seeing this band again, there is nothing like them playing Vegas.

Next was the all female band POTTY MOUTH, a pop rock band who are from Massachusetts but are currently in LA. Lead singer Abbey Weems mentioned that her and bassist Ally Einbinder have traveled through Las Vegas, but never played here and it was about time they played a show, and thanked everyone who showed up on this chilly night. Potty Mouth is a fun light hearted band who were a great opening for the headliner of the night Skating Polly.

SKATING POLLY from Tacoma WA closed out the show, a sister duo consisting of Kelli Mayo and Peyton Bighorse (with the additional brother Kurtis Mayo on drums) who were raised on punk and it shows. Both sisters are self taught musicians who idolize Exene Cervenka from the band X, and Exene even produced their sophomore album Lost Wonderfuls. This is the band's first headlining tour, and the last time the band played Vegas they actually opened for X. Kelly Mayo is interesting to watch onstage as she really gets into her songs, and lets loose with her emotions and feelings when performing. The band is fun to watch and really gets the crowd into the show.

This was yet another great night of live music in downtown Las Vegas, and the Beauty Bar has really come into their own this past year with great new lighting and sound and a fantastic calendar of live music and events. Scary Monsters looks forward to what 2019 will bring at the Beauty Bar and their new upcoming year of shows.

Skating Polly Photos from Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

Potty Mouth Photos from Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

Cromm Fallon & the P200 Photos from Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos

© 2017 ScaryMonstersMusic. All photos and written content copyright @ScaryMonstersMusic. Created with

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