House of Blues welcomed KAMELOT on their Awaken the World 2024 Tour along with special guests HAMMERFALL and AD INFINITUM.

AD INFINITUM led by vocalist Melissa Bonny opened the night, beginning with “Unstoppable” off their 2021 CD Chapter II - Legacy, a fantastic song to startb off he set, with great guitars and vocals. Swiss metal singer Bonney is incredible with her powerful voice and stage presence, who can go from an angelic soprano voice to a deep guttural voice, that reminds you of Tatiana Shmayluk or Alissa White Gluz. The band launched into the song “Eternal Rains” of their 2023 Chapter III - Downfall. and I got to hear her guttural voice for the first time of the night. We were treated to a crushing “Outer Space”, their new single that begins a new era of music for the band in 2024, Ad Infinitum finished up their short set with “Into the Night”, and received a huge response from the metal crowd. Check out their new single on Napalm Records HERE.

Hammerfall from Sweden played here last year opening for Halloween, and brought that good old solid power metal I grew up on. They kicked off their show with powerpacked “Brotherhood”, before a Hammerfall classic “Any Means Necessary”, released way back in 2009. Lead singer Joacim Cans asked the crowd “who has and who has not seen Hammerfall before?” Shockingly it looked like this was everyone's first time - the floor was a sea of raised hands,

so he had the crowd scream the band's name over and over, and during the resulting band introductions, Joacim joked they loved our “very hot city” while wiping his brow. You could tell these guys were really enjoying themselves! The set continued with “Heeding the Call” and “Let the Hammerfall” that Judas Priest kind of guitar sound, before letting everyone hear new single “Hail to the King', that just came out in the last few weeks, and coincided with very ambitious video taking us back to the days of knights and kings. Rounding out their show was "We Make Sweden
Rock" and "Hearts on Fire" to thunderous crowd, and I think they will remember the name Hammerfall after this! The band has a new album coming out on August 9th 2024, their 13th release titled Avenge The Fallen, and you can preorder and get a taste HERE.

KAMELOT is an American power metal band with an amazing stage show, and featured Melissa Bonny (from Ad Infinitum earlier) throughout the show on backing vocals. Kamelot began with a very visual production of “Veil of Elysium”, and followed with a rocking “Rule the World", and one of the best songs of the night “Opus of the Night (Ghost Requiem), from their 2023 release The Awakening (the band's first LP in five years, and the

tour namesake). The back and forth between Bonney and Kamelot vocalist Tommy Karevik is something to witness - Tommy has one of the best voices I have heard and can go from a very soft symphonic sound to a hard rocking style, and Bonny really shines in the Kamelot arena. Karavik really showed his vocal prowess on "Sacrimony" (Angel of Afterlife)" and these songs are little rock operas both visually and musically, and Karavik is at his best - on “March of Mephisto” he is nothing but sensational.

Kamelot used the most smoke machines I have seen, constantly throughout their show making the band disappear for a brief moment and then firing them off again. Kamelot closed with a two song encore featuring, “One More Flag in the Ground” and “Liar Liar”, with a show that was second to none, vocals as good as it gets, and the band just crushed it. The show was theatrical and impressive both visually and musically, a real production that fit the storylines and settings of the music. A fantastic metal evening and a perfect line up for the AWAKEN THE WORLD tour.
More on Kamelot, the tour dates and new album The Awakening HERE.
Veil of Elysium(with Melissa Bonny)
New Babylon(with Melissa Bonny)
Kamelot Photos Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos
Hammerfall Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos
Ad Infinitum Photos Harold Mountain / JustAFanPhotos
Melissa Bonny is so good live and blew me away when she took the stage with Kamelot...
Kamelot was on fire
What a dream show at the HOB...Kamelot was amazing and Melissa Bonny is a true talent....