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ORGY: Revival in Las Vegas



The Usual Place is a new venue in Vegas,, and we were looking forward to seeing this place for the first time - we were not disappointed. Easy parking, friendly staff, lots of seating, nice bar and a large room, this place has everything you would want in a live music venue. We expected some hiccups and there were just a couple, lighting was more of what you would expect in a dive bar, which is too bad since this venue can upwards of 600 people. The stage was backlit with a red led light and so much smoke from the fog machine that at times made it impossible to see the bands. During Orgy, one song you heard vocals and on the next you didn’t, hopefully as the venue grows these bugs will be fixed - and this could be one of the top live music venues in Vegas.

Opening the show was Silent Movie Cinema, a good young band who really should have gone on second, they were way better than Cosmic Killjoy and deserved a better spot on the shows lineup. When you are on a show that has bands and you are a solo artist singing to tracked music you better blow the roof off the building, but sadly this was not the case with Cosmic Killjoy. I wouldn't say it was bad, it was just not a good fit for this show and I will leave it at that.

Next was Death Valley High, a fav of mine for many years. We have covered them from way back in the LVCS days and Beauty Bar shows. DVH is a solid band who came out on fire and really showed how to kick ass when taking to the stage. Catch this band wherever they are playing, they are great live.

ORGY was the headliner on this night, and I Love, Love, Love this band. Led by singer Jay Gordon, Orgy is one of those bands who never disappoint and always put on a fantastic show. With a setlist that included songs such as New Order's "Blue Monday", "Stitches" and "Opticon", the crowd was singing and dancing all night to the band's high energy set. This band of journeymen musicians includes Jay Gordon - vocals, Nic Speck - bass, Carlton Bost - guitar, Creighton Emrick - guitar and Marton Veress drums. Great show, fantastic new venue even with the hiccups..

ORGY Photos by Harold Mountain

Death Valley High Photos by Harold Mountain

Silent Movie Cinema Photos by Harold Mountain

Cosmic Kiljoy Photos by Harold Mountain


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